NEXT-ITS2 Evaluation report

Hankkeen tyyppi
Informaatio- ja liikkumispalvelut
Automaatio & C-ITS
Käyttäjätarpeet ja -kokemukset
Liikenteenhallinta ja tilannekuva
Älykäs infra
Infran ICT (tietoliikenne, IoT)

The NEXT-ITS 2 project contains a number of measures deployed on the NEXT-ITS 2 corridor and in traffic management centres in order to move from local traffic management towards coordinated and cross-border management of the whole corridor. The objective has primarily been to evaluate the costs and impacts of the services deployed i.e. how the measures contribute to reduction in travel time, accidents and emissions from road transport.
The total length of the NEXT-ITS corridor itself is about 3 000 km, but the impacts of the NEXT-ITS 2 measures cover a much larger road network, about 25 000 km. This is due to the fact that many measures focus on improving the effectiveness and quality of traffic centre operations.
Hence, in order to cover all benefits of the measures in a fair way, also the contribution of the NEXT-ITS 2 measures to solving transport problems outside the actual corridor have been taken into account. As the contribution of the measures to the effectiveness of existing ITS services varies by measure and type of service, the road network affected by the service had to be separated in several different sub-networks in some countries to be able to estimate the impacts of NEXT-ITS 2 as correctly as possible. In these cases, the impacts were first calculated separately for each sub-network, and then summed up for all networks impacted by NEXT-ITS 2 measures in the countries.

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